Sunday, February 10, 2013

Monday 11 February

Balclutha, Otago
We woke to rain this morning, as suspected, and were pleased that we had taken the time to get the bulk of our stuff
Backed in the car last night.
We drove south from Te Anau, through Manapouri and followed the Scenic Route down to Tuatapere, then along the coast to Invercargill. The road from Manapouri to Tuatapere wound it's way through fields and hills, rolling countryside, with picturesque hollows and many, many streams. The hillsides were packed with sheep and quite a few deer, cows occupied the lower slopes. We saw very little traffic, occasionally we saw a lone post box by the road and a track snaking away into the distance, indicating that there was a house there somewhere, hidden from view. One village we passed had a school so there must be families loving fairly nearby. Unfortunately it rained on and off and so visibility was not so good. We thought that we were unlucky that the weather was so dreary and then we realised that this weather is the norm, it rains for at least 200 days of the year, one of the reasons everywhere is so green and lush.
We had intended to stop close to Inbercargill, but there didn't seem a lot of  point in the rain, so we decided to head on for Catlins Coast. Keeping to the Scenic Route we passed some lovely scenery. We tried getting out of the car to look down on sweeping beaches and rocky coves, but there was a cold wind, the car thermometer said 14C, not really camping weather. So we pushed on even further until we reached Balclutha, as far as we can see a place with absolutely nothing going for it at all, apart from a rather odd little Motor Camp which makes a convenient overnight stopping place, and it has WiFi. As it is still raining off and on we haven't attempted to sleep in the car but have taken a basic cabin, they only had one left and it should probably have been a dorm as it has 7 beds in it.
We are very sad that we have missed out the Catlins Coast and Forest, it was an area we really wanted to visit, renowned as one of the most beautiful coast areas in New Zealand. We could only catch glimpses as we drove by, through the rain and drizzle, even then it looked lovely. Even if we had stopped over somewhere for the night we would not have been able to do much exploring or sight-seeing without getting very wet. We may have hung around if we thought there was any chance of the weather improving, but we checked the forecast before we left and it seems like much of the same for the next two or three days. I have no photographs as they wouldn't not have shown anything, just clouds and rain. Such a pity.
So here we are, making an overnight stop and tomorrow we will swing inland, north west in search of some better weather. We both look forward to getting back into our car/van again to sleep. I am really surprised at how cosy and comfortable it is in there. The design is good with loads of storage under the bed in the back and it is roomy enough that it is not at all claustrophobic. Maybe tomorrow night in Alexandra.

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