Thursday, January 24, 2013


Another full day here. We took a ferry across to a volcanic island in The Harauki Gulf, part of the network of bays and islands which make up the complex of Auckland. There is so much water here, it gives the City a very open feel. This island is the youngest of those in the Harauki Gulf, a mere 600 years since it erupted, so much of it is still a barren black lava flow. Slowly it is being colonised by lichens, mosses and then larger grasses, trees and ferns. It belongs to the Department of Conservation and has been established as a pest free island. All predators have been eradicated by poisoning and hunting and new endangered species introduced. We walked for more than four hours with brief stops for water and a banana, all of it up and down, including a circuit of the rim of the old crater.
We stopped on the way back to the hostal and picked up some salad, cheese and smoked fish as we knew that once we had showered we wouldn't feel like going out again to eat. After our meal we sat down with maps and books and made an outline plan for the next five days, looking to see where the campsites are located, the distances between them and they class of road. It's really all a bit unknown as we don't have any experience of NZ roads, drivers and driving, but at least we have some ideas.
We pickup the camper van in the morning then we are on our way. The two days in Auckland have been good, but two days in a City, even one with only 1 million inhabitants, is enough, we are really looking forward to the wide open spaces. The hostal has also been good, we feel much more part of a travelling community than if we had been isolated in a hotel. We are, however, looking forward to a bit more space and personal privacy and maybe some quiet time.
I'm not sure when we will have access to the internet again. Wherever possible we intend to stay on Conservation Sites and at most of the ones we have identified the only facilities are a long drop toilet and water from a stream. We will need to pass through towns in order to restock our supplies, particularly beer and wine.

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