Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday 17 March

We are back in Whangarei, which is actually pronounced Fungarai. It seems that the Maori words which begin Wha are all pronounced Fu... I can't begin to work out why, because until the European settlers Maori was not a written language and I think I can remember hearing or reading that one of the Maori chiefs went to England, to Cambridge University to work out an alphabet for it. So how and why it was decided to write the sound 'fu' as 'wha' seems very strange.
The promised rain came in small quantities at intervals during last night and then in earnest about 07.30 this morning, and lasted for about three hours. For the rest of the day there has been short periods of drizzle, not a lot in volume, but very wetting. We are settled into a small but perfectly adequate cabin at the Campsite here in Whangarei where we stayed nearly a week ago. It is a comfortable and quiet campsite and the cabin has a nice bathroom with a shower and a kitchenette with fridge, toaster, kettle, sink and crockery and cutlery. We have decided to spend the last two nights here. We were going to go further south tomorrow, closer to Auckland, but we are comfortable here, it is only about two hours from Auckland and we can sort out the car and our re-packing at our leisure. In fact we did quite a lot this afternoon, between the showers. We have got everything dry and as we aren't going to sleep in the car anymore, I can start getting rid of some of the throw-away things I brought from the U.K. we are also re-distributing some of the things we won't use anymore, things like cling film, aluminium foil and washing up liquid.
We walked into Whangarei this afternoon between the showers, it's difficult to judge a place on a Sunday afternoon in not very nice weather, but the centre looked a bit sad and maybe a bit run down,  but there was a very nice harbour, wharf and marina, with a pedestrian walkway and some cafes.
I wasn't aware that today is St Patricks Day until we saw the street party going on outside an Irish Pub. They had possibly the worst Ceilidh band I have ever heard, but it sounded a bit better after a good pint of  Guinness.
It is difficult not to make racial stereotypes, but practically all the Maoris we have seen have similar physical characteristics. They are very solidly built with heavy shoulders and torsos. The men particularly have very thick necks, in fact they all look like props. We have had some interesting conversations with several Maoris and what comes across without exception is their pride in who they are and their heritage. When they speak of the past and their ancestors they use 'we' rather 'they', and frequently refer to 'our people'. We were told, by a Maori, that much of their history, their beliefs and customs is still unknown and has not been fully shared, because they choose not to, it belongs to them and them alone. He told us that the Spanish were the first people to come ashore in the area around the Bay of Islands, but it was never recorded because they didn't survive. Somewhere there is a cave where the Maori hid their suits of armour and other remains, but it will never be revealed. All very interesting stuff.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Saturday 16 March

Russell, Bay of Islands
We have had a really great day. We spent it on Lion New Zealand, the 80 ft yacht that Sir Peter Blake used in a round the world race about 25 years ago. He came second! In his previous attempts various bits of his boats had broken off so Lion was specifically built to be much stronger and sturdier, with the result that she was much heavier. He then commissioned another boat and went on to win loads of stuff. Lion is now used to take small groups of people sailing in and around the Bay of Islands. It is the most beautiful boat and we had a fantastic day with Dave, the skipper (who was born in Norwich when his father was stationed at RAF Watton) and Kerry. The experience as well as the actual trip was very good because they involved people in the sailing process, winding (grinding) sails in and out. There were some scary moments as we take led and the boat was at nearly 90° with the sea, or so it seemed to me. We could have done a motorised tour of the Bay and the Islands, just taking in the sights (sites), but this was so much better.
The rain still hasn't happened but it's quite overcast. We really are on countdown now with just two more full days to go. Off to Whangerei tomorrow, then probably on to Auckland and home.

Thursday 14 March

It was a bit cloudy when we left Ahipara this morning, but soon cleared. We have decided that this few .last days will be slowly-slowly. What we haven't seen now will not be seen. We have ticked off practically everything on list of things we really wanted to do, and there is no way we are going rushing off for something else now. So we will make our way back to Auckland in a number of small hops.
We took the northerly route from Ahipara, back through Kaitaia and hugging the coast. It was beautiful, we stopped in Taipa for a coffee, at a cafe looking out over the bay, so quiet, so peaceful. We took a side road to investigate Taupo Bay, a popular summertime destination for Kiwis, it was just too quiet. It felt as if everyone had gone home for the winter. So we retraced our footsteps back to the main road. The road sides had been bordered with Mangrove Swamps for some way in places the water almost lapping onto the roads. In Taupo Bay there were signs giving information about Tsunami Evacuation procedures and pointing out an escape route. We have heard so much about how sparsely populated the South Island is and how rural, but these parts of the North Island seem more remote than anything we saw there. Amongst the rolling hills we came upon groups of grazing cattle, mostly cows bit some sheep, and the occasional homestead. There were signs with the names of various cattle stations on them, similar to signs we had seen yesterday so we thought that these ones were also government owed Stations with farm managers and some staff running them.
We turned inland into The Puketi Kauri Forest, to a DoC site. It was nice enough, but deserted and there were heavy clouds n the sky and occasional drizzly rain. We decided to head back to he coast and go to Kerikeri, which according to the RG has several things of interest.
We are pitched on a lovely Campsite on a terrace slightly raised above a stream. It's not busy and very quiet, maybe half a dozen other tents and small vans. All the big Motor Homes are on a higher terrace behind us, away from the stream on powered sites. We walled onto Kerikeri this afternoon, to the old settlement and had a very interesting trip to a mock-up of an original Maori fishing village and a garden of indigenous plants. 'Mock-up' might sound a bit naff, bit in fact it was excellently done, encorporating a lot of original items, a carved stone anchor and some old dug-out canoes retrieved from the mangrove swamps amongst others. It was also very informative, with detailed histories of the first missionaries who landed on the Bay of Islands and their relationships with the local Maori tribes. I didn't realise that the Bay of Islands was he first place that white people came fl settle and that those first people were missionaries, although I suppose I might have guessed! Tomorrow we are moving on a very short distance to the southern shores of the Bay of Islands, which also has remains of early missionaries.

Friday 16 March

Russell, Bay of Islands
After leaving Kerikeri we took a back road to Russell, it started off on a sealed road and then became a windy gravel road (once again), up and over and round a headland. It seemed to be almost completely unnpopulated. This time there didn't even appear to be any cattle stations, it was just bush, hugging the mountainsides. There was a little rain on the way and there has been a very little more since we arrived here. The sky is overcast with thick black clouds. In England I would be positive that there will be rain, however here I am not so sure, not at the moment anyway.
Even in dull and cloudy weather Russell is a charming place, it is like stepping back more than a hundred years. Around the Bay, close to the shore there are some beautiful houses, in an excellent state of repair, preserved exactly as they would have been at the end of the 19C. Russell started off life as a depot for whaling and sealing crews, all male groups,! as the boats put in, a rowdy,  lawless place. Today it is a picture of gentility, beautiful houses, so very expensive, and beautiful people. Newer houses have been built higher up, tucked into the mountainsides, also looking so very expensive. Tomorrow we will take a cruise on a sailing boat, around the bay and among the islands. We hope the rain holds off a bit longer.


90 mile beach

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday 13 March

The trip today was excellent. Our Maori bus driver/guide was funny and entertaining and also had a very good singing voice. He entertained us with Maori songs during the journey. We went up the spine road towards the very tip of North land, making several stops on the way. We went to a workshop where  45,000 year old Kauri trees preserved in a peat bog where being carved. The history here is intriguing and when I get home I want to try and find out more about it. In the early 19C migrant workers from Yugoslavia came to New Zealand to work extracting gum (resin) from the old Kauri trees. They had to dig down into the peat bog in order to do this, it must have been terrible work. In age before synthetics, the gum was in great demand for polishes and paints, at one time it was worth almost as much as gold. There is an area in the north where their descendants have settled and continue to live as farmers. They are called the Dalmations, it explains why I saw a sign in what I thought looked like Polish as we travelled here yesterday.
The scenery was a surprise, I expected the north to be more of a sand-spit but it was rolling countryside with cattle stations. The amazing thing is that the soil is almost pure sand, yet able to support grasses for pasture and trees and shrubs. The coastal scenery was beautiful, long sweeping arcs of beaches, on the eastern shores white, silica sand and on the western side golden ochre sand. We stopped at Cape Reinga, right at the northern most tip and watched as the Pacific Ocean collided with the Tasman sea, the waters swirling together in beautifully coloured and sandy sweeps and pools.
The trip ended with the return journey driving the length of 90 mile beach. We saw how human endeavour had planted hundreds of thousands of trees to form natural boundaries and create dunes to prevent the strong prevailing westerlies from blowing sand completely over the peninsular, and retaining it for agriculture. It is a continuing battle as these are being eroded and cut back.
I'm not sure about Jeremy Clarkson, evidently he was on TV this morning saying that he has finished filming here, but he likes it so he might stay on a while. As we left the beach this afternoon a few local Maoris were holding a demonstration, but their argument is with the local council for they way that the correct channels were not used to obtain permission, rather than with the BBC

Tuesday 12 March

It rained in the night. It was hot and I had the side unzipped and a little rain came in through the mesh. There wasn't a lot but it was still overcast and almost drizzling when we left Whangarei this morning. We have booked a cabin back on that sir for Sunday, which is the day the heavy rain is expected. It might not happen, but getting back there by Sunday minimises our options and gives us something to aim for. Having a cabin will also mean that even if it is raining we can start to rationalise what we have, think about what and how we intend to take home and start to sort the car out.
We kept to the plan we put together last night and came across country to the west coast and to the north. The objective is to take a bus trip up to Cape Reinga and back along 90-mile beach tomorrow. We looked at a Camp Site at Whaipapakauri first but it all looked a bit sad and grubby so we came back to Ahipara, to the Kiwi Site, which looked much nicer, with some trees and shade.
Looking for shade is a really odd thing here, because it's not hot. I don't think the temperature has gone over 30C since we left Auckland on the 26 the of January, and most of the time it's been much lower than that. It is hot in the sun, but once out of the sun, particularly if there is a breeze it has been cool. Even here in the far north, which I thought had a 'sub-tropcal' climate it is not so very warm, even in the sun. It is humid, which makes it sticky and close.
Earlier on this evening I had a terrible shock, which fortunately has not materialised, so far. We bought an ice-cream on the way here today and I was amazed to see a photograph of Jeremy Clarkson on the front page. I just thought 'OMG'. Then somebody here told me that an Episode of Top Gear was being filmed here, that JC would be driving some atrocious car on 90-mile beach and all the film crew would be staying at this campsite. Low tide has been and gone and the sea in on the way in again, and nothing has happened. I just hope it isn't being planned for tomorrow. Evidently there had been some problems because the BBC hadn't asked permission from the local Maori elders  to use the beach. A special meeting had to be called with the elders of the 3 Maori tribes who live in this area and have rights over the beach and it's use. Maybe it hasn't been settled yet. I can only hope.
We walked a short way along the beach in the late afternoon, and it does appear to go on for ever. An enormous sweep of golden sand backed by dunes. The tide was still going out, leaving lots of shells in the ebbing water. Too late tonight I realised that the sun sets over the sea here on the west coast, and there will be nothing in it's way, it will disappear into the sea. I hope it is a clear evening tomorrow when we get back from the bus trip.